August 16, 2010

Convent's over

The week's end

The convent is over and I'm going back to my daily... boring... gray... lonely life. That's how it feels when you get back from an incredibly lively convent anyway :(

It wasn't boring for a second, I met so many nice people and amazing cosplayers. In costume the heat was the only opponent, it felt like the competitors were all on the same side. I became nominated as a finalist along with 9 others, all with amazing costumes. There were a couple of really good costumes who did not make it to the finalists so I'm proud, even if I did not win anything. For my first ever costume, I was one of the 10 best at the whole convent, that's prize enough.

I also got to talk to a whole bunch of other cosplayers and all of the finalists, I learnt plenty, got new ideas and got to know many nice cosplayers. Hopefully we'll all meet again at the next con, with even better cosplays and have an even better time.

Hopefully there'll be something on Youtube soon so I can see the rest of the competitors and the sketches since I missed them because of being backstage half of the evening. But it's been an amazing weekend and I hope I live to see many more just like, or perhaps even better, than this one.

August 13, 2010

Convent day 1

So if yesterday was doomsday, surely today was judgement day. Photoshoot and interview with the jury. "All that's left" is the grand cosplay gala, walk-on, vote and checking the results! Surely this will be a breeze? It's all down-hill from here, some might say. But really, for me it's kind of scary walking up on that stage as I've never actually done it before. The unknown is scary stuff. While I'm reasonably pleased with my costume, there are countless things that I could have improved.. Many things to make more smooth and practical. Could I have done it better? Probably. But is this enough? I hope so?

Not only this mentally tough situation but there are also repairs to be done as today was a long day. Sweat, friction & heat are bad for costumes. The gun lost it's trigger & another part which I don't know the name of, basically the guard around the trigger. There's also a dent on one of the pieces of armor on the boots. But that can be sorted out, somehow. I've got all night ^_^

What is my goal anyway? It wasn't winning, when I started anyway. Now it feels like a really amazing... possibility? Is that the right choice of words? Is it possible? Nah, probably not. I saw some indredible costumes. A really cute Vanille, heard rumours of an "Iron Man" cosplay. Some really good cosplays from Naruto too, which I usually frown at normally. And I've just seen the tip of the iceberg. Many amazing cosplays are sure to be seen at the convent and some tough competition is to be expected. All the same, I've recieved so many compliments about my costume that I'm flying high right now!

August 11, 2010

Doomsday! :(

The last day before the convent is tomorrow. I'm completely stressed out, as usual. Nothing's completely finished. Everything could have been done slightly better. But with only one day left, it'll just have to be finished tomorrow ^_^